For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. (KJV)

There is this popular understanding that God keeps record of every sin we commit. Some people even say that there is a video recorder in heaven recording all our sins and it shall be replayed on a giant screen for us to see on the judgment day. Out of this erroneous belief, people believe every sin a man commits shall be shown to the whole world and every single sin shall be punished by God. To them God and the angels are busing recording sins and wrong doings of men in heaven.

The truth is that, in Christ, God does not keep record or remember sins. All sins have been forgiven and if they have been forgiven, what is the need to recall them? God says, He does not remember your sins anymore. It is paid for and you are free. There is no recorder of your sins by God. The sins you committed before and after you became born again and the sins you are yet to commit in the future have all been paid for by Christ.

However, the believer who continues in sinful lifestyle will not be effective or fruitful in the faith and this will affect the quality of his works of ministry which shall be rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ. Let us avoid sin not because it is recorded but because it affects our walk of faith in Christ. We shall be judged for whatever work we did in Christ and not for our sins or conduct but our sins and conduct affect our walk of faith in Christ, therefore we must avoid sin as believers and put on good conducts.

I refuse to live a sinful lifestyle not because it is going to be recorded but because it will challenge my walk of faith which shall be rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ.

2Corinthians 5: 17- 21,
Romans 8: 1- 2,
1Corinthians 3: 11- 15

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