Victory In Christ Ministries

In His Person and saving act, Christ has completed all that pertains to our salvation. But without our understanding of who He is and what He has done with us, we cannot benefit of what is rightfully ours.

We must adopt the New Testament principle of unselfish service in love for Christ to be made known. We have the ambassadorship to represent Him faithfully and accurately. It is our vocation as saints of God and we must all respond faithfully to this vocation… 

Apostle Paul reveals the secret surprise of the Trinity that is now unfolding in our experience. The disclosure of the sacred secret is summed up in the term “in Christ”; it is the plan of the salvation of God here and now. God’s new program is summed up as none other than Christ Himself. This was hidden from ages and generations but is now made manifest among us, brought into our experience. We are living in the Days of Christ, the Head, and His body; Christ in His saints glorified as His saints, ministering in us, through us, as us.

Give yourself to the revelation of Christ in you; allow your thoughts to be renewed. The generosity of God that is given out is invested in the portfolio of Christ; in giving you Christ, He gave you all.”

Apostle Gilbert – The Glorious Generosity of God

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