Victory In Christ Ministries

“Christ Jesus has brought us into a relation where He bears the title as the firstborn among many brethren. He is the prototype Son, who is not simply an example to us, but the example of us. He is the Image of the Invisible God. He is the exact likeness of the Invisible God. This is because all that is within the Father is within the Son. This also shows us that when God created man in His image (Hebrew: “selem”) after His likeness (Hebrew: “demuth”), He did so with the dimensions and measurements of His Eternal Son.”

Man was created with Christ in mind. We were created to share in what the Eternal Son has with His Father. We were not created to simply be servants to a master called God, to whom we’re to submit in fear and trembling. God’s cosmic plan is vast and beautiful; His cosmic plan for us within creation is that we were made to be the image of the Image... We’ve been made one with Christ the One who is all-sufficient.

The Father has bequeathed to you all that He is. You are one with Him in a seamless mystical union whereby what He is you are.

“Christ in you is the language of divine union.”

We are to have the awareness of what it means for Christ to live in us. “In Christ” is God’s conclusion about us and if we live from this conclusion of God, all other things will simply be a witness to what we are in Him.” (Apostle. Gilbert Karuza – The Glorious Generosity of God).

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