Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (KJV)

Many Christians live their lives every day in guilt and fear. They believe they are not righteous because they commit unconscious and conscious sins. As a result, they think they are not fully qualified for God’s protection and deliverance from trouble or not worthy of God’s blessings and favour. They have a high sense of inadequacy.

They are always asking God for forgiveness of their known and unknown sins. No matter how hard they try to live right, they always have something to be guilty about. God does not see us that way. God sees Christ in us not our sins. You stand 100% righteous and justified before God. Don’t be sin conscious, be Christ conscious. Be free from guilt and see Christ as your righteousness. Since you cannot qualify in your own efforts in relating to God, you need to relate to God on the merit of Christ and his finished work for you.

Whatever God will not deny Jesus of, He will not deny you also of. In Christ, you are justified, blameless and faultless. You are as holy and righteous as Christ Jesus, despite your known and unknown faults. Be free from guilt and fear and enjoy maximum rest in Christ.

I am justified before God because Christ is my righteousness.

Romans 8: 1– 2,
2Corinthians 5:21,
Acts 13: 38

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